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SEND Information Report

Schools are required to publish information about what they offer within the school. This should help you understand how we can support your child if they have Special Education Needs and Disabilities. If you cannot find the answers to the questions that you have or you would rather discuss them face-to-face, please do get in touch with us.

These pages were last reviewed in July 2023.

Please click on the questions below for more information about what we can offer you and how we can support your child.

Question 1: Who are the best people to talk to about my child's difficulties with learning, special educational deeds or disability?

Question 2: How will the school measure the progress of my child?

Question 3: How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child's learning? How can I let the school know that I am concerned about my child's progress?

Question 4: How is a child identified as having Special Educational Needs?

Question 5: What are the different types of support available for children with SEND?

Question 6: How is extra support allocated to children and how do they progress in their learning?  

Question 7: How do you look after the wellbeing of the children in the school?

Question 8: Who are the other people providing services to children with SEND?

Question 9: How are the staff helped to work with children with SEND?

Question 10: What support do you have for parents of a child with SEND?

Question 11: How will you support children when they are joining the school, leaving the school or moving to a new class?

Question 12: How is Combs Ford Primary School accessible to children with SEND?

Question 13: Are there any helpful websites that could provide more information on SEND?


Page reviewed on 19/02/24 by KJD.