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Adult Behaviour On and Around the School Site

CET and Combs Ford Primary School Parental Code of Conduct

You can download our Parental Code of Conduct below.

Inconsiderate and Illegal Parking

We are aware that a small number of our parents continue to park inconsiderately or illegally outside the school. We have consulted with our Community Engagement Officer who has advised us that they cannot act against these drivers retrospectively or from photos. However, they have also advised us that local residents or members of the public can do the following:

Call it into the Police on 101 or report online at

Reporting to the Civil Parking Enforcement Officers on

Smoking and Vaping

Smoking and vaping are not allowed in Combs Ford Primary School buildings, grounds, car parks, or in vehicles parked in the school car park.

Bin the Butt!

We also ask parents and carers to be considerate to our neighbours and the environment by being careful about how they dispose of their cigarette butts.

Research by ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ revealed:

  • 52% of smokers who smoke everyday thought putting a cigarette down the drain was acceptable.
  • 39% of smokers, equivalent to 3.6 million in the UK, admitted to throwing a cigarette butt down a drain within the past month.
  • 11% of smokers do not consider cigarette butts to be litter.

We support the Bin the Butt campaign, especially as their research has shown that cigarette butts can take years to breakdown. Worse still they never fully biodegrade and are toxic to the marine environment because cigarette filters are comprised of thousands of chemical ingredients, including arsenic, lead and nicotine, all of which can leak into marine environments. According to studies, just one cigarette butt per litre of water is highly toxic to fish.

Page reviewed on 19/02/24 by KJD.